Wednesday, May 27, 2009

esek_one's Moly

esek_one's moly is finished and will be heading your way Kelly.


Kelley said...

Michael, why, why have you done this to me? LOL

Sand? You leave me a lead-in with sand?

Geez, now I actually have to get creative and really think about this one....what to do, what to do?

Michael Nightmare said...

Don't worry I know you can handle a challenge and I can't wait to see what you do with all that sand! ... maybe a monster sand castle?

Kelley said...

OH!!! a monster sand castle would be killer!! I'm really gonna have to think about that one for a bit...hee hee!! great idea.

Anonymous said...

drunken tentacled female monster

what else can you ask for in life? :P

esek_one said...

what a beautiful lady!!!
amazing entry Michael,congratulations..

(can i use the scanned image on my page in order to saw the story so far?)

Michael Nightmare said...

Esek feel free to use the images.

Kelley said...

Esek - just a note...your moly is now on it's second stop in California. I got your book on Saturday from Michael (also in California) and will work on it and mail it to Katya (another one in who would have guessed it? California)!!!

Anonymous said...

Josh moly is on the way to Lady orlando,

ill post pictures later ;)

Burger Raff said...

hey great entry Michael! Didnt see this coming-It works well with whats already come and leaves it open for later!