Thursday, May 14, 2009


Are all molies accounted for??? Does everyone know where your book is at the moment?
Everything seems to be moving pretty smoothly for such a large group it's great!


Kelley said...

well I got confirmation from Josh that Quinn has MY book, so that's a yes for me :)

And I've just sent out Bea's so you cant count those two.

Burger Raff said...

Ive got Yoda's book right now, and actually I still have yours Mr Nightmare, I have to ask Quinn if she wants another one right now. And mine is supposed to be in Spain, which is cool, but I dont know if thats confirmed.

esek_one said...

do we have any news from kevin and Josan's(f1x+2)moleskine?

i have allready loss two moleskines in the past and i know that it is a bad feeling...
so in case of loss,Josan i would like to give you my moleskine...
(you can also start a new one,if you would like to..we are a very good team here and i think that we can take over problems like this..)

Anonymous said...

Im not sure about Kevin, he said he would send my moly like 3 months ago..
if my moly gets lost dont worry Esek, its ok, I could start a new one probably and send it straight to Lady Orlando asap

and yes I have Burger Raff's moly, I confirmed somewhere but sorry for not being too clear with that :)

I know for sure that Lady Orlando got 2 of the 3 molys I sent her, but I have my doubts if she recieved Jesse's moly, gotta confirm on that

katya said...

I got Bea's moleskine today from Kelley.