Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kelly's Monsters

As you can see I have added in the last monsters to Kelly's book and left a little room for you to finish it off and add in a background. Your book is amazing and will be on it's way home. Hopefully we get this group finished up soon as we were almost done.... mine apparently got lost in transit :(
Michael Nightmare


Kelley said...

Yay!!!! I cannot wait to have it my own hands once again.

Thank you Michael and thank you everyone for all the awesome artwork you've contributed.

Kelley said...

Oh My GAWD!! Can you believe we started this exchange in October of 2008, I had to go check the dates to be sure. It took two years for my book to travel to everyone before coming home! AMAZING :)

Burger Raff said...

Always good to see things progressing/ finalizing!