I thought I should introduce myself. Some of you may know me and others may not.
I'm Zaza, a.k.a. szaza or Samantha— but not Sam! I'll be your friendly neighbourhood Exchange Moderator. What does this mean? From time to time I will be performing a pulse check to see how your progress is going. Do you need some encouragement? Do hoarders need hounding? I will also pull the plug if you feel your exchange needs to go gently into that good night. If you have issues that need resolving, I am here to help in any way I can— please don't hesitate to ask.
I noticed there are some books with Quinn, and that she seems to have disappeared... does anyone have her contact information so I can send her an email? This fabulous exchange seems to have come to a grinding halt— do you all want to keep it going, or is it time to get books home to their owners?
There are two things we need to know before anything can continue— ok maybe three:
- Who has whose Mollies?
- Do you want in, or out? There is no shame in admitting you have a life and want to live it.
- How do we contact Quinn?
My best,